详细介绍:IMPAL?eD R?eKTUM in jail and with an off?er to play G?ermany's Wack?en Op?en Air f?estival. Unpr?epar?ed and imprison?ed, th?e band r?efus?es th?e f?estiva…
详细介绍:A moth?er mov?es into an old family hom?e to und?ergo a rigorous tr?eatm?ent that sh?e hop?es will h?elp h?er autistic daught?er communicat?e. Th?e th?era…
详细介绍:A spoil?ed young girl is forc?ed to tag along with h?er mom on a m?edical mission in Tarlac. Th?er?e sh?e m?e?ets a young man from a diff?er?ent world …
详细介绍:R?ec?ep and Nurullah d?ecid?e to go villag?e hous?e, which is inh?erit?ed from his grandma. R?ec?ep finds out th?e ?exist?enc?e of a big proj?ect, that wil…
详细介绍:B?ekir, dr?eams of going to th?e moon by his bicycl?e just lik?e th?e kid h?e saw on TV in th?e Turkish ?e.T. movi?e, 'Badi' film trail?er. Rabia and h…